Why Choose Flick Law Firm?
Successfully Handling Car Accident Cases Since 1993
Results in Rear-End, Intersection, Uninsured/DUI Crashes & More
Experience with Brain, Joint, Fracture, Back, Neck & Other Injuries
Our No Fee Unless You Win Guarantee!
Were you injured in a rear-end crash with another car, an 18 wheeler or other truck? Hurt at an intersection when a car or truck didn’t stop at a stop sign, traffic light or yield the right of way while turning left? Injured by a drunk driver or uninsured motorist? Injured in a more complicated crash like one involving several semis? Then you are in the right place. At Flick Law Firm, we have recovered compensation for people hurt in all these kinds of vehicle collisions. If you were injured in a crash involving an 18 wheeler or other big truck click over to our truck accident page for specialized information about your case.
Did your car wreck cause bodily injury like head trauma, brain injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, herniated discs, bulging discs or sprains/strains to your back and neck? We have helped people with these types of injuries and more.
Are you dealing with medical bills, lost income, pain, suffering, temporary or permanent disability as a result? We have successfully helped people recover all these types of damages.
For more than 25 years Flick Law Firm has been there for car crash victims. We can be there for you.

Do You Need a Police Report for a Car Accident?
In most places a police report is not absolutely required to make a car accident claim. However, having one is very useful. With a police report you have documentation from a law enforcement agency of what happened in the crash. In many cases the police will also issue a ticket to the driver who caused the crash which can be helpful in proving that they were at fault. Without a police report, when you go to make a claim it may be your word against the word of the other driver
Do I Have to Go to Court for a Car Accident?
Usually no. Most claims for injuries sustained in a car accident that was someone else’s fault are settled without a trial. In the US there is a fairly standard process for submitting, negotiating and, if need be, litigating car accident injury claims. The vast majority of car accident accident injury claims are resolved at some point in that process. Only a small percentage actually go to trial. So the bottom line is that your car accident injury claim will probably be settled without having to go to trial.
Do I Need a Lawyer For a Car Accident?
It depends on your case. Some car accidents involve a few hundred dollars of property damage and no injuries. Many of these cases can be settled without involving a Kansas City car accident attorney. Other car accidents involve major losses like serious or catastrophic injuries, hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in medical expenses and long term disability. Consulting a car accident lawyer in this type of case is strongly recommended. Many car accident claims fall between these extremes.
Inside Info- Insurance Company Tactics
Your first thought after a car accident may be to look for help from the responsible driver’s insurance company. The insurance claim adjuster may contact you and seem very nice. Please be aware that they may be engaging in a standard insurance company tactic- communicating with you shortly after the car wreck to gain your trust to avoid your hiring a car accident lawyer. What does that tell you?
Because of the number of claims, amount of money involved and their years of experience, auto insurance companies have highly developed procedures and tactics for dealing with your car accident claim. As an injured person seeking an auto accident settlement, you are likely to confront some of these.
One common tactic is to claim that because your back and/or neck strain/sprain is not visible on your x-ray or MRI, that it is merely a “soft tissue” or “subjective” injury and somehow less serious or believable. Another method used when the car you were in did not sustain a lot of property damage is to question, how with so little physical damage to the car, you could have been injured. Car insurance companies have a lot of these tactics. These are just two of the many we have dealt with. We have been there. We can be there for you.
No matter how nice the adjuster seems, he or she works for the car insurance company. The reality is, that behind the pleasant face an adjuster puts on it, insurance companies have tactics (like those listed above and others), systems, resources, experienced adjusters and lawyers who handle lots of auto accident cases. Their goal is to resolve your car accident claim in a manner advantageous to the insurance company. They are usually good at it. This can mean that you will get a mere fraction of what you need and deserve. We are very familiar with insurance company negotiation tactics and you will benefit from this experience.
Medical Bills and Lost Income
Car accidents often result in medical bills and sometimes lost income. You may be entitled to compensation for this as well as pain, suffering, permanent disability, future medical expenses and other things. All of this can add up to a lot of money.
Obtaining full and fair compensation for your injuries and losses may require a process that includes collecting and analyzing your medical bills and records, injuries and damages, making demand on the insurance company, attempting to negotiate your case, possibly a lawsuit and more. At Flick Law Firm the road to results in traffic collision cases is familiar and well traveled.
You can easily see how complicated properly handing your car accident case can be. Navigating this successfully can require knowledge of legal rules, court procedures, options, medical issues, negotiation skill, judgment and perspective about these cases. For more detailed examples of how complicated the process can be and information about specific parts of the process see our pages on starting your case, filing suit, discovery and disclosures, court conferences and motions and car accident trials.
You know what you have at stake. You know the insurance company’s tactics, resources, experience and goals. Do you want to have an experienced Kansas City car accident attorney with the knowledge, skill and judgment needed to put you on a more equal footing with the car insurance company working hard for you? Or do you want to go it alone? The choice is yours.
What do I do if the Other Driver Doesn’t Have Insurance?
Many car insurance policies include what is called “uninsured motorist” coverage for situations when the other driver doesn’t have insurance. For more information on this coverage click over to our Uninsured Motorist page. If the other driver is insured but doesn’t have enough coverage for the amount of damage they caused some car insurance policies also include underinsured motorist benefits for this situation.
What is the Most Common Type of Car Accident?
Auto accidents happen every day around-the-clock. While most car wrecks fortunately don’t cause catastrophic injury or death, they can easily cause life-changing injuries and seriously damage your vehicle. Some of the most common types of car accidents include:
Rear End Collisions
A rear-end collision is a motor vehicle accident which occurs when one vehicle crashes into the back end of the vehicle in ahead of it. These are one of the most common types of automobile wrecks that we see. Damage to the “rear-ended” car can range from none or minimal to damage where the auto looks like a crushed tin can.
These car crashes often happen when the vehicle behind is following too closely, is driving too fast for conditions, not paying enough attention to the other motorists on the road or when there is sudden deceleration. Vehicles slowing down or stopping at an intersection, in stop and go traffic, for slowing traffic ahead or at a highway on- ramps are common traffic situations in which rear-end crashes happen.
In a rear end collision, you are typically first thrown forward and then backward often causing back and neck strains/sprains, which are sometimes called “whiplash”. Other typical injuries in such an accident include bulging discs, herniated discs, and in some cases, spinal cord injury. Fault in such an accident is usually attributed to the driver of the vehicle that rear-ends the other vehicle.
Rear end rear-end collisions can often be prevented by following many of the basics of safe driving. Some of these are maintaining a safe following distance, driving at a speed appropriate for road conditions, even if it is less than the speed limit, not texting while driving, paying attention to traffic rather than being distracted cell phones, conversations with others in the car, watching traffic and planning ahead so as to avoid sudden stops.
The driver of the car rear ending another vehicle is often ticketed for a traffic violation like following too closely or inattentive driving. The driver is usually considered responsible for causing the crash and typically liable for injuries caused in the crash.
Intersection Collisions
Running a red light, a stop sign or not yielding the right-of-way at a left turn are some of the right-of-way violations which can cause a crash. These wrecks are often called a “broadside” collisions because the driver’s or passenger side is often struck directly like a broadside attack on a ship. They also called T-bone collisions because of the way in which the striking car hits the struck vehicle can resemble a T.
The driver responsible for causing the crash is often ticketed for charges like failure to yield the right of way, disobeying a stop sign or similar charges. Increasingly in certain areas intersections are equipped with traffic cameras. In a number of cases we have been able to obtain traffic camera videos of the actual crash. As you might think, these have been extremely helpful in establishing exactly how the crash happened.
Drivers or passengers in the impacted vehicle may experience far more serious injuries than injuries sustained in many other types of crashes. The speed of the vehicle which hits you can have a big effect on the type and extent of injuries you sustain because it effects the amount of force transferred to your car and ultimately your body. Vehicle damage in these crashes can be significant.
In a T-bone or broadside accident, you can be thrown up against the side window of your car. Brain injury, broken bones in the upper body, leg, ankle and foot, neck and shoulder injuries are examples of some of the injuries we have seen caused in these collisions. It is not uncommon for the fractures to require surgery and involve placing surgical hardware to help repair the damaged bone. Unfortuneately, these types of injuries can cause ongoing problems even you have completed all treatment.
Head-On Collisions
Head-on collisions are one of the most dangerous and even fatal types of car accident. These wrecks often happen on straight roads and occur when the front ends of one. Vehicle impacts the front end of another. This type of wreck is particularly damaging, largely depending on the speed of the vehicles involved. To learn more click over to our Head-On Crash page.
Drunk Driving Crashes
Alcohol influences judgment and reaction time making drivers who are DUI a danger to anyone on the road. Car crashes caused by drunk drivers run the gamut from rear-end and intersection collisions to head-on and other serious wrecks. Not surprisingly, a disproportionate number of deaths in motor vehicle crashes result from wrecks involving alcohol. More information about these crashes is on our Drunk Driving Crashes page.
Single-Car Accidents
A single-car accident involves only one vehicle. This type of accident can occurs when a vehicle runs off the road or strikes either a moving or non-moving object, such as a fire hydrant, a wall, or a tree. Single-car accidents may result in driver and passenger as well as extensive property damage. Drivers involved in single car accidents are often wholly or partially liable for injuries their passengers sustain in the crash.
At Flick Law Firm, we have successfully recovered compensation for people injured in all of these kinds of vehicle accidents. Check out our Case Results page for more examples.
An Attorney With Medical Background
Car accident cases typically involve medical issues. However, few attorney’s continuing education classes or law schools provide medical training. To obtain knowledge of medical issues, Lawrence Flick studied subjects like anatomy, medical history and physical examination, radiology, trauma medicine, pain management, medications, spine problems at the Medical School at the University of Kansas.
This education has been extremely helpful in understanding and researching medical issues in car accident cases, dealing with medical defenses asserted by insurance companies and cross examining insurance company physicians about their medical reports and conclusions.
Experience & Results With Your Type of Injuries
Some typical injuries caused by automobile accidents are:
Spinal Cord Injury
Your spinal cord is a critical pathway for your brain to communicate with other parts of your body. People with spinal cord injuries often require extensive rehabilitation and as well as continuing or regular medical care. They are often wheelchair bound and may require 24 hour nursing care. Medical bills are often extremely high and due to the need for ongoing care may continue through the person’s lifetime.
Brain Injury
Car accidents are a common cause of brain injury/head trauma injury. Your brain can be injured if your head hits part of the car like the windshield or side window. For example, hitting your forehead can cause a “frontal lobe injury”. This injury can affect judgment needed for social relationships, anger and emotion control. Personality changes and depression are also possible. The impact on your life can be dramatic.
Broken Bones / Fractures
Broken bones typically happen in more serious car accidents. Treatment options range from no treatment to splinting, casting and surgery to install hardware. Physical therapy can be prescribed to improve strength, mobility and function. In some cases recovery is complete. In other cases you may have ongoing problems like reduced strength, swelling, arthritis, continuing pain and long-term disability.
Joint Injury
Shoulder, knee and ankle injuries are some of the of joint injuries seen in car accidents. Initially these injuries are often treated with medication and/or physical therapy. X-rays or MRIs are often taken to identify problems within the joint. If damage to cartilage or ligaments are seen, surgery to correct these problems is not uncommon. Additional physical therapy may be prescribed after surgery.
Bulging and Herniated Discs
Your spinal column is a series of bones called “vertebrae”. Between the vertebrae are structures called discs which cushion the vertebrae. A car accident can damage your discs causing a bulging or herniated disc. When the damaged disc presses on nerves significant pain can result. Disc injuries are often treated with medication, physical therapy and/or steroid injections. Surgery may be a possibility in some cases.
Back and Neck Sprains and Strains
These are probably the most common kind of injury in rear end collisions. Typically these injuries cause pain, stiffness and limit activity. Doctors usually initially prescribe some combination of painkillers, anti-inflammatories and/or muscle relaxers. If medication doesn’t resolve the problem physical therapy, usually several times per week for a number of weeks may be prescribed.
We have recovered compensation for people with all these types of injuries. We have been there. We can be there for you.
Case Results
Truck Accident | Semi rear ended pickup truck | $600,000.00 |
Truck Accident | Truck violated right-of-way at intersection and collided with scooter | $281,000.00 |
Car Accident | Car rear ended SUV | $100,000.00 |
Truck Accident | Pickup truck collided with car in intersection | $100,000.00 |
Car Accident | Car rear-ended another car | $75,000.00 |
Car Accident | SUV rear ended collision another SUV | $54,000.00 |
Contact Our Law Firm Today
At Flick Law Firm, we have been helping people injured in car accidents for more than 20 years. We have recovered money for people hurt in rear end, broadside, T-bone, head-on wrecks, crashes involving drunk drivers, uninsured motorists and other kinds of wrecks. We have recovered money for people with spinal cord injury, brain injury, broken bones, joint injury, herniated discs back and neck sprains/strains.
Call (816) 221-0501 to put our knowledge, experience and track record to work in your Kansas or Missouri car accident case. Do you deserve anything less?
Flick Law Firm accepts cases from clients living in the Kansas City Metro area including cities like Overland Park KS, Lee’s Summit MO, Olathe KS and more distant communities like Columbia MO and Lawrence KS. We may associate with local counsel if we are not licensed in the appropriate jurisdiction.